Monday, February 06, 2006

Cherry Blossoms and Strawberries

My friend Robin is planning a quick trip to Washington, DC at the peak of cherry blossom time. Maybe there will be time for her to stop at the National Gallery of Art to see the Cézanne exhibit which is in celebration of his 100th birthday -- You know how I love 'sharing celebrations' with artists on their birthdays!

According to this article at -- -- this lovely recipe was served at the press event to open "Cézanne in Provence".

Strawberries in the pan with flower honey from Provence -- rinse and quarter lengthwise the most fragrant strawberries you can find, simmer some honey in a pan with 10 Szechwan pepper corns, add the strawberries and turn a few times before serving with a scoop of lime sorbet, drizzled with olive oil and decorated with fresh mint leaves!

This will give us something to snack on as we enjoy her report when she returns AND it will get me ready for the April residency in France.

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