Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"Live in the Moment"

It seems that everywhere I turned this past week, there was something about making resolutions (with the caveat that 'of, course, they don't work!') or getting control by reorganizing everything (I haven't figured out where to put all the tubs and shelves I bought LAST year) or detoxifying by getting rid of clutter, weight and relationships (my treasures are not clutter and what do they know of my weight or my relationships, so there.) Aack! It's a wonder we don't shoot the New Year Baby and keep the Old Man!

"I resolve to . . . ." "I will get control . . . ." "I will get rid of . . . ." Such negative attitudes to paste onto the beginning of a fresh new year! How about a few positive thoughts for a change? My friend Robin Walker often says, "Live in the moment, Annette." NOW! Not later, not yesterday, not tomorrow.

I followed a link to Christine Kane's 'delightful' blog which is filled with ideas for being "creative, conscious and courageous." I love her "Architecture of Delight" and the suggestion of listing "100 things I Love." But especially just now, her "Resolution Revolution" fits my notion of being positive. She offers the idea of selecting one word to live by. I once used "patience" as a mantra and, if I hadn't recently discovered "joyous naughtiness" as my watch words, I might choose the word "delight" in her honor. (She has a whole list of possibilities.)

Live in the moment. Delight in it. Savor it. Acknowledge it. The moments will add up to a terrific year.


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