Yesterday, my copy of "Bush Strokes" arrived in the mail . . . from Australia!
It is not the little print newsletter called BushStrokes which I mailed before beginning to write on-line in my BushStrokes Blog. BushStrokes. A play on my name and the brushstrokes of a painter to define the words and images coming from my studio.
This Bush Strokes is a little book of beautiful illustrations of twenty Bush babies -- little animals that American children of my day only remembered for their exotic names. Platypus. Yellow-footed Rock-Wallaby. Tasmanian Devil. Red Kangaroo . . . .

I have had a Google alert set up for some time now to let me know when I might be mentioned or my links might be connected across the Internet.
I have found mention of my name in letters to the editor of our local paper or a mention on someone's blog but usually it's just a misspelling of "brushstrokes" as someone discusses a painter's work. I was thrilled to once find a link to an exhibition of paintings in Australia called BushStrokes. But this time, it was more.
I had to have a copy! Just because.
I checked about shipping costs with the eBay seller and made a bid. After several pleasant emails, back and forth, I have been anxiously awaiting the mail.
Tomorrow when I can put glasses on my re-broken, repaired and bandaged nose, I will comfortably peruse this BushStrokes, my new treasure.
cover & images of Bush Strokes by Peter Longhurst, Bay Books
Text & images of BushStrokes (c) AAB