Monday, October 08, 2007

Quote of the Day: Continuing Education

My argument was, 'You do those very well already, try doing something you're not good at.' That's what education is.
Jim Mateer

Today's quote comes from an article about the author/artist of Funky Winkerbean in the Cleveland Freetimes. The statement is from Midview High School art teacher Jim Mateer who taught the clever and creative Tom Batiuk. I was directed to it by my friend Karen and her very poignant blog entry. Both the article and the blog are worth a second reading.

The Internet continues to be a source of inspiration, fun and challenges for me. First, I learned about emails and lists of people with similar interests; for me, it was a group of painters. Now, I explore a few blogs daily and I subscribe to a few I like and I write two of my own. I have tried to learn as new stuff comes along and to overcome my technical ineptitude.

I'm trying to get better at something I'm not good at.


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