Monday, March 09, 2009

I Miss You

My Dear Blog,

How could I have been away so long? It doesn't seem possible that so many days have gone by without a note from me to you. I must confess: I have been unfaithful. There is another blog in my life which as focused my attention on the 50th Reunion of my High School Class. It lives at 59Musketeers and I visit it often to leave little notes. The affair will be over on May 2; I promise.

You, dear Blog, have a special spot in my heart. As I look back on those weeks when I don't complete the thoughts and entrust them to your care, I do have the notes. Yet somehow, it's not the same. Maybe I can find a way to make it up, to fill in the blanks, to share some photos of special days. I'll try.

You, dear Friend,
--hold my comings and my goings in ways which aren't shared with others.
--accept words and images which reflect my ideas and inspirations even when they are a little strange.
--allow me the simple reporting on the observations of my days.

I miss you.

photo: Cover of 1959 Yearbook
Academy of Richmond County, est. 1784

BushStrokes (c) AAB

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