I carefully marked my calendar with anticipated dates; those regular irregular events which occur until September's Labor Day. Family weekends, art days, alumni activities, and concerts in the park, along with enough vacation weeks and days in the country to make things interesting. Just enough. Gonna be a good summer, I thought.

"But, I have made plans! I have work to do! I have people to see, grandchildren to enjoy, paintings to create . . ." I thought. No matter. I checked the blooms in morning sunlight, in the slanting sunset and under cloudy skies. Like other things which pop up on summer days, they demanded my attention . . . .

Scheduled adventures were interrupted by stops in the Emergency Room. . . .
House projects resulted in a few injuries. . . .
The sunsets took longer or were more glorious or had more color than usual. . . .
NOT ONE could be ignored.
And that is the Problem with Naked Ladies.
BushStrokes (c) AAB
I'm waiting for my version, the red spider lily, Licoris, to show up soon... I hope! I moved them to more showy spots and they sent up ample leaves in the spring... we'll see.
These are at the country house and I just was awed at how they have survived over the years in the undergrowth with no care. They definitely took time away from the work schedule.
Y0u have so many of those ladies!I have 4 clumps but only 1 stalk bloomed. I have always loved teasing Caroline's husband about them. The first time they bloomed we were driving out the driveway when I said to him, "Look at those naked ladies!" and he asked real quickly, "Where?" I tell him I have naked ladies every year when they bloom just to see or hear his reaction.
Karen, I'm still watching for my red spiders, too -- at both houses. Mine have moved around in the yard by themselves! These were at the country house and they have shifted some, too.
Judy, these were so beautiful in the tangle of underbrush, they brought a real naked lady "gasp." Maybe your will bloom better next year. I seem to notice alternating years for some things, don't know if it's just the weather. . . .
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