Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Unremarkable. Unbelievable! - Day 5

April 4
This morning, Karen and I began to arrange our space in the studio. We both find the space rather uninspiring today. I hope it is because the days have been overcast and chilly. There is a sense that I would rather be outside. Every view from the window is an image, a texture, a sublety of color. the street (Petite Rue) is an unremarkable array of ordinary houses with closed shutters on many. (When every village has such lovely views, even beauty becomes unremarkable -- unbelievable!) The river and a small canal flow with remarkably clear water and the plane trees shelter everything. The villagers are beginning their spring chores of cleaning, plowing and planting. Tiny bursts of color surprise the eyes.

SO. . . . Why stay in inside?!

This afternoon, we hopped in our little Opal and explored the countryside. Karen needed the driving practice and I enjoyed not having to watch for curves and lines. We found Lac Montbal with water so clean and bluein the hills behind LaForge. When we returned, we followed the signs for shopping at the Episcerie, Boulangerie, Tabac, and Cadeaux. We expected a row of shops and found only Vival which was ALL of them!

I did get a few little sketches done before our excursion. Text under the drawing of Vival relates the interruption of a charming villager who wanted to see the sketches. With my limited French and her limited English, we chatted and she exclaimed that most of the pieces were 'perfect.'

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