Monday, January 15, 2007

Message from the UPS guy

Last week, I heard the sound of a horn and looked out to see a UPS truck. I went out to see what was being delivered. Hum. Apparently, nothing! The driver was just sitting there. He shouted out the door, "Unless you want to be a redneck, you can take your decorations down now!" It's one of the fun things of living in an urban neighborhood -- people notice stuff!

I explained that son-in-law was not able to be home at Christmas, that he would not be home next year, and that everything was left up until he could be home to celebrate "Christmas." The guy in the brown suit, acting like the guy in the red suit, said, "Well, in that case, you can leave everything up as long as you'd like."

Today, we'll do a little present opening and have a special family dinner. Lucy will get to show her daddy where she hung her stocking and introduce him to her nutcracker friends who line the stairs.

Tomorrow, I will pack everything away and begin to look at some goals and ideas which might get me in the studio.

And I'm sure the UPS guy will continue to keep an eye out for us through this next long year.


Joyce said...

At first I had a difficult time accessing the comments page. I guess I didn't wait long enough for it to load.

I like the story and think all the dolls on the stairs are lovely (including the human one).

Martha Marshall said...

I just can't get over that kid. This shot begs to be painted!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a problem. I got a weird message from logger this morning, so it must be their system.

I have been collecting the nutcrackers for years -- many of them were broken at the end of the season, so I gathered all necessary parts and bought them to keep them from being thrown away. Many of them were gifts: there is one just behind 'our favorite doll' which Elin sent to join our family last year. There are now 25 which guard the stairs in ones and twos.

Yeah, the kid is something. Just a week with her is interesting; I hope I survive a year! Once they are settled in, I might think of doing some paintings of her.
