Thursday, August 16, 2007

Art On a Grand Scale

During the months before Belle's birth, I often went with daughter #2 for her doctor's appointments. We always passed by a water sculpture, a large mural and some painted windows, but we didn't stop to look. I could take Lucy to visit the Art Museum or just meander through the neighborhood. This time, with daughter #1 along, we explored.

We strolled past the inner city church which now serves as a community center; its boarded windows filled with strong designs and colors which lend excitement to its new purpose.

We wandered around the corner and over a block to stand by the gigantic fire hydrant which erupts through the concrete of the parking lot, spraying water on unsuspecting passers by (NO Dogs Allowed.)

We zigzagged through the parking lot to stand before the tunnel mural painted by Blue Sky which we had watched from the hospital after Belle's birth; its sun glowing red in the evening in the dusk. The pale orb of daylight did not lose its charm.

Three kinds of amazing art added to the subconscious of a community. GRAND!

Note: Both the hydrant (Busted Plug Plaza) and the mural (Tunnel Vision) were created by Columbia, SC/LosAngeles, CA artist, Blue Sky.

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